We are looking for a group of parents to form a new social committee to help raise funds to keep the club going. Each year it costs us thousands of pounds to keep the club afloat and it would be a great help to have some social functions to help raise funds. It would also be nice for parents to get together occasionally and let their hair down. Maybe they could organise an Xmas disco for the parents, a kids xmas disco, a family social night, a car boot sale or jumble sale, anything they can think of to raise a bit of cash ! It might be a chance for a group of Mums or Dads to meet once a month down the Bowyers or the College Oak to discuss things and have a couple of glasses of wine or pints of lager ! Help would come from the main Radley committee but as all of us on the committee are also managers we have no spare time to organise any functions. Please help us and lets raise some extra funds for our kids football.

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